Tuesday, 18 October 2016
RIFF JTAG LG F 160K Optimus LTE2 Unbrick Dead Boot Repair Supported
RIFF JTAG LG F 160K Optimus LTE2 Unbrick Dead Boot Repair Supported

Note, one simple way to connect over JTAG connect USB cable to PC and insert battery. In this case phone is automatically powered on.
To resurrect LG F160K:
Solder JTAG cable to LG F160K JTAG pads;
Connect USB cable to phone and PC;
Insert battery;
Make sure LG F160K is selected in the list of models;
Click Resurrect button;
Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
Disconnect USB cable, de-solder JTAG wires;
Now phone is in bootable condition, that is, even if it does not start up normally, you can flash it using original Samsung downloader software to restore it to the working state.
Available link for download